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Strangers in a Strange Land

By Evan Johnson

“Love the sojourner, therefore, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt.”

- Deuteronomy 10:19

“No man's an island."

- John Donne

“Toto… I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore…”

- Dorothy


When Moses first refers to himself as a sojourner or as a stranger in a strange land, it’s not when he’s wandering in the desert with over a million Israelites. It’s when he’s a fugitive for murder and he flees to Midian. He found grace there in his soon-to-be father-in-law, Jethro, and his people. He has a son and names him Gershom, which means “for I was a stranger in a strange land.”

We can take this to mean two things. Meaning number one: Moses gives Gershom this name out of gratitude for the grace that a people showed a random foreigner who arrived on their doorstop. Meaning number two: Moses is describing his time in Egypt where he was a member of the Egyptian elite and his people were being enslaved, despite God’s promises to deliver them.

I think it’s both. I think this is a call of gratitude as well as a remembrance of the bizarreness of the world in which he lived. He understands that without the love and grace of Jethro and Zipporah, he would not have survived in a land that he merely wandered into, escaping from the law of his own country. In the same breath, he understands that the land that he came from was not the final destination for God’s people.

We see this longing reminder repeated throughout Scripture. Deuteronomy instructs the people of Israel to love those who sojourn into their midst since they were sojourners in the land of Egypt. Jacob and his tribe wandered into Egypt in search of food and shelter in a time of famine in Canaan, and for a while, that’s what they got, but a couple hundred years later, things changed. The Israelites were so vast in number that the Pharaoh believed they were becoming a political force in Egypt, so he enslaved them. God calls his people to remember this—to remember the struggles of a sojourner.

As Americans, it’s hard to sympathize with the sojourner. The examples we have from our past experiences pale in comparison to true stories of wandering and hopelessness that happen at the border and in Syria, and while there should be legal precedents to ensure the safety of Americans as well as those wandering from drug-ridden countries and war-torn nations, we need to remember that our ancestors—both Egyptian and Pilgrim—were sojourners, too. To ignore the needs of human beings with souls and smiles, words and faces, hands and feet, tears and laughter, is to ignore Jesus Christ himself according to his own words.

Having said that, America is not New Jerusalem. Someone who crosses the border into America steps into a whole new world of problems and dilemmas. We are not the city on a hill—and we never will be. The goal of the American experiment to be a beacon of light in an otherwise dim world is an admirable goal, but we, too, are still strangers in a strange land. Our eternal home—our true citizenship—is in the Kingdom of Heaven to come.

When Jesus Christ himself returns to declare all authorities subjugated and plants himself as King of the world, then and only then will this land not be strange. Eternal bliss will be and feel normal. The need to fight or to quarrel will be an instinct of the past. Everything will feel... well... right. Since the eternity of the New Jerusalem dwells within us, we are then motivated by seeing this pain-free, forever unbroken world come about. Brokenness should be strange to the Christian. Pain should be a foreign idea to those with a redeemed heart. As ministers of reconciliation, our marching orders are to make this world less strange, even for people who are themselves strange to us.

We need to ask two questions, though.

Who is the sojourner among us?

Maybe the sojourner is a literal sojourner. Maybe it is an undocumented immigrant. Maybe it’s a dreamer. Maybe it’s a refugee. Maybe it's someone who has been displaced. The heart of the church is to reach out and help those who are either without a home or their home has become so unrecognizable to them that they don't know what to call it.

Or, maybe the sojourner is a more figurative sojourner. Maybe it’s someone who doesn’t quite fit in. Maybe it’s an abused spouse. Maybe it’s a child who has been taken advantage of. Maybe it’s a person who doesn’t trust our skin color or religion at all. They are still sojourners, and we still were sojourners. As Christians, we have a source for mercy and compassion—the mercy and compassion that Christ has given us. This love is not ours to keep. It is ours to give.

How can we help the sojourner among us?

Reach out to the sojourner next to you--your neighbor, your co-worker, your family member. If someone you know is going through a strange and hard time, show them that welcoming love that Jesus has already shown us all. Remind them of his love and grace. This doesn't have to be through Bible verses. Simply being a friend can be a powerful enough presence in someone's life.

Reach out to different organizations in your areas. There are refugees all over America hiding in plain sight. There are undocumented immigrants that need our help in neighborhoods simply nearby.

The Church has a vital role to play in loving its neighbors.

And its neighbors are sometimes wanderers.

And those wanderers need mercy.

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Stories of New Circle: Ted

This blog post is a transcript of an interview with a builder at New Circle named Ted.


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What do you do for a living?

I teach seventh and eighth grade language arts at Saint Monica Catholic School, and I run their theatre program. I also co-own a theatre company.

What do you enjoy about teaching?

I like the conversations that I have. The students are not too little, but they’re not too grown up. They’re at that perfect age where—and this may bounce cliché—you can sort of mold their minds. I can have great conversations with them about books and about life. I can read a book a hundred times and get a new perspective on a piece of literature from them, even if it’s just in one class. If I have a class of just twenty kids, then I have twenty different perspectives right there.

Also, being in my eighth year at St. Monica, I’ve known these families for a long time. I’ve built some strong relationships since I’m on sibling number two, three, or four in some families.

You haven’t been a part of the theatre company as long as you’ve been a part of Saint Monica, but I’d like to pose the same question. What’s your favorite part of co-owning a theatre company?

It’s actually very similar. Whereas with my eighth graders I’m seeing these books come to life, with the people we cast and the people who work on our plays, we get to see an entire play or musical come to life.

Also, we’ve met so many new people and made so many new friends—from all over—through this theatre company. We’ve got repeats. We’ve got new people.

Do you guys try and pick your plays in a more message-oriented sense, or are your selections more sporadic?

It’s a bit of a variety. We obviously want to do plays that we like, and we want to do different types of plays. For Instance, we just did Shakespeare, which was a huge challenge—in a good way, but in all our shows, we try not to be comfortable. We try not to settle. We don’t want to just be satisfied with doing one type of play or musical.

What’s your favorite play?

Arsenic and Old Lace. I’ve always loved it. I loved the movie since my dad showed it to me when I was in middle school, so I’ve always wanted to do it. When we finally got the chance, we built an entire living room—I still brag about that set to people. It was a pain to put together, but it turned out so well. 

Romeo and Juliet is my favorite Shakespeare, though. 

Why Romeo and Juliet?

It’s my favorite Shakespeare—and I love West Side Story. West Side Story is the musical adaptation of Romeo an Juliet, and I love it. What’s great about Shakespeare is you can make it your own. You can modernize it, especially with Romeo and Juliet. You can set it in any time period and it works. I saw a version where Juliet’s family was black and Romeo’s family was white, and it still worked because that’s where the tension came in. The two families were opposite races in the fifties.

With teaching and the theatre company being such a huge part of your life, have you seen God move in either (or both) parts of your life?

Absolutely. I’m at Saint Monica because of God. 

It’s a bit of a long story. First off, all of my siblings are adopted from China, so my mom was really into the blogging world and was connected to adopted families all over the country. The summer after I graduated college, I just kept getting rejection after rejection after rejection. I started looking elsewhere other than teaching. No one was hiring me because I didn’t have enough experience since I did just graduate. Well, my mom had written a blog post about me needing a job. There was a couple that traveled with my family to China to get my brother Philip, and the wife had just been looking at that blog post while a group of my friends were praying over my job situation. She was a teacher at Saint Monica. Catholic School. I get a call from her the next day from her. She says, “I know your degree is in middle school English, but I need an assistant for my preschool class.” I kind of hesitated, but when I found out that she was reading my mom’s blog post at the same time that people were praying over me, I couldn’t ignore it. Normally, I would say no to being a preschool teaching assistant, but I took it as a sign, and I’m now in my eighth year at Saint Monica.

I get to see the transformations in a kid who hates school who, by the end of the year, is reading Animal Farm. To me, God is transforming this kids. Whether they know it or not, God is molding them.

God has placed some incredible people in my life. People are very important to me. I’m very much a people person, so the relationships that I’ve built at Saint Monica are definitely thanks to God. I know it has

The same with the theatre company. We’re not a “Christian company,” but the way that we treat people and interact with them as actors is rooted in who we are as Christians.

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The Idol of Purpose

By Evan Johnson

“The more I’ve listened to God, the more I’ve realized I don’t always catch what God is up to in real time… I usually understand what God is doing by seeing it through a rearview mirror.”

- Bob Goff

“Remember, nowadays it’s only personal courage that a man can get on in the world. If you see an opportunity, don’t stop to think but seize it, or you may lose it for ever. If that fails, try something else… Don’t fight shy of adventures.”

- Alexander Dumas

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:18-20


I changed my major eight times in my college career. It’s a joke I often allude to. I was everything from an English major to Human Environmental Sciences all the way to Marine Biology (until Shark Week ended). The bulk of these major changes happened during my sophomore year. Though I’ll readily admit it’s a hilarious concept that any English major would think he could succeed in elasmobranchology (the study of sharks), the effects of my indecision wore on me. I was asking the question every college student asks: “what am I going to do with my life?” 

For Christians, it may sound a bit more like: “what is God’s purpose for my life?” 

We’re a purpose-addicted society, anyway. We see it in our pop culture media from movies to books. In Beauty and the Beast, the butler-turned-candelabra Lumiere bemoans, “life is so unnerving for a servant who’s not serving.” In the Wolverine movies, the title character struggles with choosing not to be the weapon he was born to be. In It’s a Wonderful Life, George Bailey contemplates suicide because he wonders if the world would be any different if he’d never been born. In Fight Club, men escape a life devoid of purpose and find solace in their basic animal instincts. In Silence, a Portuguese Jesuit missionary in Feudal Japan struggles with whether or not his mission is useful. In Wuthering Heights, Heathcliff makes it his mission in life to make Catherine’s existence as intolerable as possible. In The Odyssey, Odysseus returns home to fulfill his purpose as king. In Up, after his wife dies, Mr. Frederickson’s sense of purpose is diluted—that is, until he attaches balloons to his house and flies away. 

We want to know that we’re here for a reason. True or not, we want to know there’s a point to it all. Otherwise, what’s the point? 

But allow me to give you some hard advice that you’ll find comfort in: 

Your purpose in life is not to discover your purpose in life

You already have one. God created everyone and everything to enjoy him. We are the conduit of his worship. The more of His love we take in, the more of His love we give out. 

Bob Goff sums it up pretty well in one tweet: 

“1. Love God 2. Love others 3. Do stuff” 

That’s it. That’s your to-do list. Those are your mission objectives. Love God, love others, and do stuff. It really is that simple, and here’s the secret: you can make a mistake and do the wrong stuff, and your to-do list won’t change. 

So it’s not necessarily our purpose that we’re searching for. Our destiny is glaring us in the face. It’s the nuts and bolts. It’s the tiny little how-to’s that we’re really asking for, and God provides a boundless field of grace to run in.  

Think about it. When you die, will God really look at you and say, “Sally, you really should have been a teacher instead of a doctor” or “Bill, couldn’t you hear me calling you to play golf instead of basketball?” 

No. God cares deeply about how we respond to him, how we respond to others, and how we respond to life in general. A teacher can be a good teacher or a bad teacher. A doctor can be a good doctor or a bad doctor. Find what you love to do—what you could do for eternity, and chase after that.  

Purpose does not equate job security.

I’ve met many pastors and medical missionaries and law-degree students who felt called by God to their respective fields, but I’ve never met any garbage men who expressed the same passion. I find that suspicious. I’m not saying I’m a conspiracy theorist, but there seems to be a higher number of people being called to white collar jobs than there are blue collar jobs.  

I’ve also met many young college students who expressed an interest to go into the ministry and when faced with an affected job market, turned the other way. In no fault of their own, they mistook their own fear for the word of the Holy Spirit. They mistook financial anxiety for God’s calling on their lives. That’s when doubt and fear sets in. They feel they’ve abandoned God and the church that was behind them. 

I should know. I've been there. 

This happens more often than we should be comfortable with, and it’s not excluded to vocational ministry callings. The fields of law and medicine have been very saturated in the recent years. Not everyone who has declared a law degree or pre-med has heard a voice from God mind you, but there does seem to be an overwhelming sense of purpose driving these young men and women into these fields. 

And these are good fields, but just because I want to do something doesn’t mean I’ll get to. That’s awful, but that doesn’t mean that I’m a failure if I do something else. I haven’t fallen short of God’s measuring stick for my life if my Biology degree lands me in an online magazine or if my English degree lands me as a Starbucks manager. 

We ask for God’s purpose in life, thinking that there’s a right answer. If we have the right answer, then we know what to do, and that’s one area of our life we don’t have to worry about messing up. And if God gives us the answer, then it’s his fault if it doesn’t turn out right. Right? 

The problem is we think of purpose as a destination and not a lifestyle. A purpose-driven life looks like a life filled with love.  

You’re still here.

I crossed the finish line of college with the skin of my nose. I needed 120 credit hours in four years. I think I had 121, and I decided that was enough for me. I had my degree. It was off to seminary. 

About a year later, there was one problem: I hated seminary. 

When a man feels called by God into what Paul describes to Timothy as a “noble profession,” he has a powerful sense of purpose. When he then comes to the realization that he hates this purpose, there is an overwhelming season of doubt, hopelessness, and anger. It’s not a pretty sight, but after what seemed like drowning in a doldrum of pointlessness, I came out the other side rather optimistic. 

God isn’t limited to getting glory by me being a pastor. The all-loving, all-powerful, all-merciful God of the universe can get glory in more ways than one. 

More ways than two. 

More ways than ten. 

I’m still here, so what do I wanna do? 

You’re still here, so what do you wanna do?

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Stories of New Circle: Gena

This is an article in a new series that reflects that stories of the people of New Circle Church.


What is one thing that brought you joy in the past year?

Finishing my first year of teaching. That brought me immense joy because I came into it not knowing what to expect. At first, I was really, really stressed about it, but as I went through it, I found that I was really loving what I was doing. Loving what I do brings me an immense about of joy.

How do you find joy in teaching?

I know some of these kids don’t come from very good homes, so knowing that I can give them love, respect, or peace that they may not get from home brings me joy.

What’s the biggest challenge when it comes to teaching?

Being stern and sticking to my word. It’s really hard from me to not be like “you can’t do that” and five minutes later be like, “oh that’s fine.” It’s finding that balance of classroom management. I have a really hard time wanting them to like me. Sometimes I think “they won’t like me if I tell them ‘no.’”

What’s been a really impactful moment from January 1 of 2016 until now?

I got baptized in January. It was the first day that our church moved to the new building. It was something that had been on my mind for a while, so taking that step forward was really impactful. It literally happened so fast—I started coming to New Circle in November, and I got connected with a friend. She talked me through this, and I decided I wanted to do it.

How have you seen your faith affected over the past year?

My faith has affected my life decisions, things I want to do, and relationships. I look to a greater source than myself. It’s really cool because I’ve stepped out and done things that I know I wouldn’t have done in a million years. Doing those things—and knowing I’ve been led to do them—has been really cool. Good things happen afterwards, and I learn, “okay that was a good thing.”

Have you seen your growth reflected in your job as a teacher?

Definitely. It was actually really cool. When I first started my job, I was just starting to dig back into my faith, and then halfway through the school year was when I took that step. Afterwards, it was a complete turn-around in my attitude and how I was looking at situations because it’s really easy to get down on yourself or let yourself be taken in by the negativity of a situation. 

What’s one thing you’re most excited about in the upcoming year?

Continual growth—this new found trust that I have. I’m really excited to just see where he takes me and what’s to come.

What’s one thing that you’re nervous about?

The next school year—how that’s going to go, how this new class is going to be different than my old class.

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Rooms of Thought

By Evan Johnson

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.

Romans 12:1-2


We compartmentalize our lives. We’re a people ruled by scheduling, even if we’re bad at it. It’s the way our minds work. We have to-do lists and appointments. We have time blocks. Ultimately, we categorize things into rooms. Your rooms may look different than my rooms, but we have rooms nonetheless because within these rooms are the different avenues in which we experience life. We have our “church” room where all things Jesus live. It’s where we play in the worship band. It’s where we preach. It’s where we have bible study and try not to crack a joke that’s too crude.

We then have our “fun” room. This is where we watch Netflix, hang out with friends, listen to Kendrick Lamar, watch Mike Birbiglia, and throw Sunday football parties.

Though these two rooms may share a wall, they will never fuse. They will never become one room for us. We just can’t reconcile church with being fun, and a lot of that has to do with the fact that it just isn’t. We’re just scared to say it because it might hurt God’s feelings.

So instead of confronting our divided lives, we instead allow the dividing lines to fester. Our church room and our fun room become unrecognizable to the other. They look like they belong in different parts of the country. This happens because we compartmentalize. Since we compartmentalize our lives, we allow our thoughts to become compartmentalized.

So when Paul tells the Christians in Rome to present their bodies as living sacrifices, is he asking them to add another room to their apartment-style thinking? I don’t think so. I think Paul is offering an alternative way of viewing life—that the Christian life encompasses all of you. Whether you are sitting in a pew listening to a sermon or sitting at home watching Mad Men, you are still the same purchased and redeemed child of God.

I think we always initially understood this, but the application that Paul wants from his readers is not to begin going through a list of their Spotify playlists and favorite Netflix shows to find those that glorify God and those that don’t. 

It’s to live a life according to the Sermon on the Mount. It’s to be a peacekeeper where you are, to thirst and hunger for righteousness in whatever you do, to be pure in heart and merciful in whatever room we’re in. It’s understanding that such a life brings with it persecution, sadness, mourning, and meekness, but the source of strength is not in any one single room. It’s not in our job, what we do for fun, where we attend church, our family history, or our political affiliation.

Our strength comes from the Creator of everything ever who wanted to get to know us.

It’s not the things in the rooms that present themselves as obstacles of worship and living a full life. It’s not your Netflix marathon of Friends or your Childish Gambino records. It’s the walls themselves. The walls are impudences to holiness.

Our lives are marked by holiness when they see people who are filled with life given by an emotionally complex Holy Spirit, a Jesus that wept over the death of his friend Lazarus, a God who relentlessly pursued his rebellious children in the deserts of the Middle East.

Our bodies are holy sacrifices when we are enjoying all of life and not just a portion of it.

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Big Love, Small Steps

By Evan Johnson

It’s no secret that our world is dark. Anyone who looks at the international stage and isn’t appalled by the sheer destructive capabilities of humanity is either a fool or a liar. It’s unavoidable. The world is broken, and it has been broken into many pieces. 

Remarkably, it’s not our job to “fix” it.

Hear me out.

I’m not saying there’s no theological prerogative as a Christian to “fix” the brokenness of the world. You could certainly make that argument. I’m saying that this world actually isn’t fixable. The damage has been done. What needs fixing is the brokenness of humanity, and that’s here to stay. The imperfection that plagues our lands in manifestations of genocide, poverty, prejudice, and murderous crimes is going to be here as long as we’re here.

Christians do have a redeemed heart, though. We have Joy. We have the power of the Almighty God who created the universe to love people beyond our own capacity. 


“For this is the message that you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another… By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers.” - 1 John 3:11,16


We have been given a great love so we can give great love. We have been shown mercy so we can show mercy. We have been shown grace so we can show grace. This is a really, really, really big idea, and as humans, we are attracted to big ideas. Look at everything we’ve built: the Eiffel Tower, the Pyramids, the Great Wall, the Empire State Building—the list goes on. Why? Why do we try and build such great marvelous?

We’re obsessed with greatness. Greatness and Awesomeness infatuate us. They mesmerize us. It’s a pretty simplistic example, but no one ever watched an olympic swimmer and went, “I love how adequate his abilities are in the pool.”

We love majesty. It’s hardwired within us. Maybe it’s in different ways, but it’s there. Some of us enjoy the awesomeness of technological advances. Others enjoy seeing the grand canyon stretch out beyond our horizon of sight. Regardless, bigness captivates us, so when something really really big happens to us, we want to respond in an equally big way. When God saves us, we want to save the world, but it can be easy to forget about the people around us who are lonely and forgotten. The people around us who, though they may not necessarily be lonely or forgotten, may need a friend that day.

Jesus used ordinary people to spread his gospel to ordinary people. God instructed that on Peter—not Paul, not Luke, not even his brother James—on Peter, the adequate-at-best fisherman, Jesus would build his church, and he did. Peter didn’t go to the emperors or the kings or the governors, though. He only went to the Sanhedrin when he was summoned to them. He went to the people he saw in his every day life.

Big love is big because of what it is—not because of who it’s for. Love for the poor is a love out of mercy. Love for the troubling and delinquent is a love out of grace. It’s not so much the object of the love that moves love into action as it is the essence of love itself. 

Since we have been given such a great and powerful love, it is only natural that it cannot be contained in our souls. Our souls are too small and feeble to contain all of the love God has for us.

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How Christians Can Help the Fight Against Sex Trafficking

By Audrey Masterson


So if the industry is so big, how can I help end it?

Friends, I would urge you to continue to research the facts of human trafficking; examine your purchasing habits and think about moving toward more ethical shopping practices; talk to everyone you know about the knowledge you have gained on this social injustice; go to your local lawmakers and government officials to change the laws to further help protect the vulnerable and prosecute the traffickers and buyers; speak up if you see red flags; and invest your time and financial resources to local and international non-profits fighting modern day slavery. And PRAY. Pray that God would heal our brokenness. Pray that we would be bold for one another. Pray that love would unite our community. Pray that the young people in our

city would learn their worth, become educated, and ultimately be equipped and empowered to be apart of the movement to end modern day slavery. And pray a prayer of thankfulness— that God has sent a Savior to mend the wounds that have the ability to paralyze us and who invites us into His work of redemption in Central Indiana!

Below are a few more resources to help you get started in enhancing your knowledge + websites where statistics were retrieved:

  • (Report and Research Human Trafficking)

  • (Indianapolis Nonprofit)



    Public.pdf (Red Flags)






  • (for ethical branding)



  • (watch a

    Documentary here)


    Additional Statistics:

  • The average global price of a human being is $90.

  • Some runaway groups estimate that 1 in 3 young people is solicited for sex

    within 48 hours of running away or becoming homeless in the U.S.

  • Every second 28,258 users are watching pornography on the Internet.

  • In 2015, an estimated 1 out of 5endangered runaways reported to

    the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children were likely child sex trafficking victims.

    o Of those, 74% were in the care of social services or foster care when they ran.

  • US porn revenue exceeds the combined revenues of ABC, CBS, & NBC (6.2 billion).

  • Over 60% of the men paying for a prostitute are married or in a serious relationship.


  • One out of three women recently surveyed said they view porn.

  • 90% of women face sexual abuse while being trafficked.

  • Pornography is used as blackmail to keep trafficked victims of sex

    trafficking from running.

  • 80% of prostitution survivorsat the WHISPER Oral History Project

    reported that their customers showed them pornography to illustrate the

    kinds of sexual activities in which they wanted to engage.

  • 66-90 % of women involved in the production of pornography were

    sexually abused as children.

  • In 9 countries, almost half (49%) said that pornography was made of them

    while they were in sex trafficking.

  • 95% of prostituted women want out of prostitution but can't leave, but due

    to circumstances like having no other job skills, needing to be able to provide food and shelter for themselves and possibly family, and being under the control of their pimp.

  • Prostituted women are the number one victims of serial killers.

  • Out of 218 “johns” who were warned that the women they were looking at

    online were actually minors, 42% still wanted the underage girl.

  • Average life span of a victim of sex trafficking is reported to be approximately 7 years (found dead from attack, abuse, HIV or other STD’s,

    malnutrition, overdose, or suicide).

  • Every 30 seconds someone becomes a victim of Human Trafficking.

    *Name changed to protect the name of the individual’s story 

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Why Christians Should Care About Human Trafficking (Part II)

By Audrey Masterson

It seems like a question with an obvious answer, but it’s not. The problem seems endless, and it’s easy to feel helpless really quickly. But trafficking doesn’t happen because people make poor decisions, live erotic and irresponsible lifestyles, or even by chance. No, human trafficking happens because we are broken, sinful people. It’s a byproduct of damaged relationships, divided families, and a lack of love; "it’s because of systemic barriers to education and employment, neglect and early childhood trauma, struggles with self-esteem and mental health” (paraphrased Relevant Magazine). Trafficking happens because people are broken. 

We are all broken. 

The traffickers are broken. 

When you think of a pimp, what do you picture? An older African-American guy in a pinstriped suit with a top hat, gold teeth, and big chains around his neck—or maybe something similar? Yeah, I did too (and that could be the case), but typically they blend in a little more with the community around them. Today, pimps look like national and local criminal organizers, our neighbors, friends, family members, or romantic partners, agricultural operators, owners of small or medium-sized businesses, or of large factories, police officers, and government authorities. They could be of any ethnicity, any race, any gender, and any age. They are living and breathing and always scheming and preying on our youth. Yet, they are broken people too. 

The buyers are broken. 

Often referred to as “Johns” when referencing the sex industry, these are the people buying sex from prostitutes on the street and in brothels. Buyers are people financially supporting the porn industry by watching short films created by those trapped in the sex industry or attending strip clubs and massage parlors. Buyers are men and women of all races, ethnicities, and ages keeping individuals trapped in a life of slavery. And let’s not forget, buyers are those of us who consume and keep consuming products without researching fair-trade options. And buyers too are broken individuals. 

The victims are broken. 

These are the marginalized community groups and individuals found within our community being bought and sold in our backyards, our parking lots, in the motel down the street, and at truck stops, and these people are broken, and hurting. 

We are broken. 

We are the Christians unaware, shrinking back, remaining silent, and allowing this monstrosity to continue to occur in our neighborhoods; and we are those helping, learning, educating, and praying for those enslaved. That’s the “us,” and we are broken people in need of a Savior. 

We are all broken. We are broken by addictions, unhealthy and abusive relationships, loss and and unresolved pasts—by mistakes, regrets, and by unanswered prayers. But there is beauty found in brokenness. Our brokenness leads us to a need that can only be fulfilled by a God that created us in His own image. And that’s a reason to care. 

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”- Genesis 1:27

We are ALL created in the image of God, from the pimps to the buyers to thevictims to the helpers. Human trafficking is an assault on the dignity of human life and preys on the oppressed. If we believe that we have all been made in the likeness of God and deserve basic dignity then how could we stand by and allow brothers and sisters to be dehumanized, exploited, or marginalized? We care because, as Christians, we have been given an undeserved new life of freedom in Christ and the resources to help protect the vulnerable, prevent high-risk individuals from being exploited, and prosecute the criminals aiding the industry. 

"For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.” - Galatians 5:1

One of the most beautiful and valuable aspects of Christianity in my opinion is free will. Free will says that we have the choice to take up our cross and follow Jesus— or not to, and to live apart from Him. Ultimately God, who is Love, gives us the option to love; however, to call ourselves Christians, God holds us accountable to a command to love our neighbors as we would love ourselves. 

"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.” - John 13:34

And that’s another reason to care about the fight against human trafficking. Because loving others who are different than ourselves promotes unity, creates stronger relationships, gives hope, and survives oppression. Love helps rescue those trapped in "the life", rehabilitate victims from a life of trauma, and reintegrate survivors back into our community after being estranged for a period of time. 

"And above all these [virtues] put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.” - Colossians 3: 14

Not only do I believe that love withstands persecution, I believe that love [for the least of these]builds bridges and connects the community. In a war-torn world, I believe Christians need a cause to rally around— a cause to fight against because “your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). The devil works by creating a wedge and hammering inch by inch until the people of God are torn, divided, and completely separated form one another. He doesn’t want us to live in community; he wants us in isolation— alone, defeated, manipulated, worn-out, and depressed— unable to reach out to our brothers and sisters in Christ because of the shame we feel. It’s the only way he works and he’s actively seeking victims for his lowly dwelling place— people like you and me to become traffickers, buyers, and the exploited. Human trafficking isn’t new; human trafficking doesn’t just occur in 3rd-world countries; human trafficking isn’t onlysex trafficking; human trafficking doesn’t represent one culture, one race, or one gender; human trafficking doesn’t just show up during major sporting events; and human trafficking isn’t easy to identify and prosecute— but human trafficking is real, and it is happening all around us. 

"For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another." - Romans 12:4-5

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